Who Am I?
I'm Libby and welcome to my website. I am a practising MSK physiotherapist based in Norfolk. I spend most of my week in clinic, seeing patients and running classes. Alongside this, I am completing a Master's in Clinical Research and Pre-Doctoral Bridging fellowship. In the time I have left, I am training to become a certified APPI Clinical Pilates instructor.
In my spare time I play hockey and like to run. I enjoy keeping fit and am hoping to share with you the importance of keeping fit and healthy to help you prevent injury and improve your sporting performance.
Follow the 'About Me' section for more...
What is LjPhysio?
LjPhysio is my brand that aims to inform and help athletes and active people to maximise their functional potential.
I use my instagram platform to share tips and tricks of the physiotherapy trade but also to share some snippets of functional fitness and pilates sessions. All my sessions are tailored to the type of athlete I am working with - making it specific to their sport.
Find out more about functional fitness in the 'What I Offer' page.